Daniel 'NebuchadnezzaR' Dehennin
2006-04-08 14:47:25 UTC

Since 3 or for version of the debian package I have problems with the
tool-bar, I put in my .emacs (tool-bar-mode -1) and it does not do its
jobs => disableing tool-bar.

When I eval this agin under X, the tool-bar disapear, and new Emacs
Frame do not have tool-bar.

Do you have some id?as ?

Daniel 'NebuchadnezzaR' Dehennin
R?cup?rer ma clef GPG:
gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 0x2A408F69
Bernard Adrian
2006-04-08 15:03:34 UTC
Post by Daniel 'NebuchadnezzaR' Dehennin
Since 3 or for version of the debian package I have problems with the
tool-bar, I put in my .emacs (tool-bar-mode -1) and it does not do its
jobs => disableing tool-bar.
When I eval this agin under X, the tool-bar disapear, and new Emacs
Frame do not have tool-bar.
Do you have some id?as ?
Maybe no matter with your problem, but often i change something in my
.emacs and i forget to compile it :-)

Then i spend minutes (or hours) to ask me why the changes have no
effect when i restart Emacs.

Bernard Adrian
Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre en 2006 ?
Vandoeuvre-l?s-Nancy?: http://www.rmll.info
Daniel 'NebuchadnezzaR' Dehennin
2006-04-08 15:15:48 UTC
Post by Bernard Adrian
Maybe no matter with your problem, but often i change something in my
.emacs and i forget to compile it :-)
I do tno compile my .emacs

Daniel 'NebuchadnezzaR' Dehennin
R?cup?rer ma clef GPG:
gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 0x2A408F69
Han Boetes
2006-04-08 16:41:49 UTC
Daniel 'NebuchadnezzaR' Dehennin <nebuchadnezzar at asgardr.info> a
?crit : Maybe no matter with your problem, but often i change
something in my .emacs and i forget to compile it :-)
Then i spend minutes (or hours) to ask me why the changes have
no effect when i restart Emacs.
;; I always compile my .emacs, saves me about two seconds
;; startuptime. But that only helps if the .emacs.elc is newer
;; than the .emacs. So compile .emacs if it's not.
(when (and user-init-file
(equal (file-name-extension user-init-file) "elc"))
(let* ((source (file-name-sans-extension user-init-file))
(alt (concat source ".el")) )
(setq source (cond ((file-exists-p alt) alt)
((file-exists-p source) source)
(t nil) ))
(when source
(when (file-newer-than-file-p source user-init-file)
(byte-compile-file source)
(load-file source)
(eval-buffer nil nil)
(delete-other-windows) ))))

# Han
For all ya |\ _,,,---,,_ Slous' Contention: If you do a
untamed Daemons /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ job too well, you'll get stuck
OpenBSD-current |,4- ) )-,_..;\ ( `'-' with it.
on an i386 '---''(_/--' `-'\_)
Károly Lőrentey
2006-07-29 21:15:14 UTC
Post by Daniel 'NebuchadnezzaR' Dehennin
Since 3 or for version of the debian package I have problems with the
tool-bar, I put in my .emacs (tool-bar-mode -1) and it does not do its
jobs => disableing tool-bar.
When I eval this agin under X, the tool-bar disapear, and new Emacs
Frame do not have tool-bar.
I think `(tool-bar-mode -1)' only affects the first terminal;
subsequent terminals may revert to toolbars being enabled by default.

FWIW, I use the following incantation in my ~/.emacs:

;; Disable menubar on the console, but enable them under X.
(setq window-system-default-frame-alist
'((x (tool-bar-lines . 0) (menu-bar-lines . 1))
(nil (tool-bar-lines . 0) (menu-bar-lines . 0) (background-color . "black"))))

Probably there should be a better interface to this alist.
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